Happy Cat, Sad Cat is a book where 10 emotional cats help kids to name what they are feeling.
Happy Cat is petted and loved…
Guilty Cat shreds the couch…
Angry Cat is under attack . . .
Ten cats respond to situations that are causing different emotions. Rhythmic verse describes the process of emotions in a natural way. This engaging and simple format can help children recognize the triggers that cause their own emotions, and help them identify with the feelings of the cats. This can be a comforting and non-threatening experience of empathy and emotional awareness.
Happy Cat, Sad Cat is a delightful book to read and enjoy with children. The book can also be a useful tool for parents, teachers, caregivers, and counselors to use when working through emotions with kids. Both individually and in group settings, the book can encourage discussion and awareness about emotions and the feelings they cause.
Emotions come and go all the time. This is normal for everyone.
Even cats!